#discussion for funsies
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corgiteatime · 1 year ago
Alright I'm sick of the same damn Astarion discourse popping up in my feed again and again so I'm starting new discourse:
I think if you gave Astarion the Locked Tombs books, he'd adore Ianthe Tridentarius and not only thinks she's never done anything wrong but she should be the main character of the series. And he would fail to learn anything from this.
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hungergameshyperfixation · 1 month ago
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By the way, I’m sure it’s very obvious to everyone WHY Woody Harrelson is the top fan contender for this (at least my top contender LMAO) but still
I’m mega biased though (please please please let it be Woody Harrelson let us have one good thing in this wretched timeline)
I mean?? Without delving too much into celebrity culture and my thoughts on it, all I’ll say is that I make exceptions rarely and this is one of those moments where I’m riding the hype train. Woody Harrelson’s voice? Again, I’m biased, but in my subjective opinion I’d love to have a narrated book (possibly my new favorite novel depending on what happens/how it all goes down because: Haymitch Abernathy being arguably one of my top favorite fictional characters for years) done by him.
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valyrfia · 11 months ago
Hi! I hope you are doing great. Can you please do a detailed reading about Charles Leclerc future spouse? Who is she? Her character, job, look etc. How they going to meet and their first impressions about each other? What charles' friends (especially close ones) and his family (especially his brothers and mother) will think about her? How they will confess their feelings to each other? What are fans and society going to think about their relationship? Will the relationship be successful? Thank you :)
Hm so I’m getting….blond-ish, blue eyed. They’ll meet through work. Character….well they could be a bit abrupt and brutally honest at first but their honesty is one of their best traits, they wear their heart on their sleeve. Charles’ family already loves them and has known them for a while. Their job is…..multiple F1 world champion. The relationship is giving written in the stars, casually embedded in the very fabric of the universe kind of thing.
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ebonysplendor · 5 months ago
Screen Shrink (#1?): Milo Change
**This was written for funsies, strictly for funsies, and only for funsies. This is not meant to be taken seriously or as fact**
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Okay, so...changing gears a little bit here from my typical game schpiels, but it's like, we've been hanging out together for a few months now, yeah? Yeah, so it only makes sense that I can share some of these little weird quips of mine.
So, fun fact, I am a mental health therapist~! So that means that I make money by listening to people vent to me about their problems, concerns, traumas, and all of that and helping them work through it. Another thing that I do for money is diagnose them. Kinda cool, huh?
Now, the reason why I shared that with you is because, I involuntarily start diagnosing characters when I watch TV and movies, or read a story or news article, or play video games...or visual novels lol. Anyways, the sole reason of this post being created was because I've been plagued with these thoughts for a while, and no one I know IRL either play or will admit that they play visual novels, so I have no one to share these specific thoughts with.
I may or may not make this a thing on my blog but meh. I just have to get this one in particular out. All of that being said...tell me that (OG) Milo Change doesn't meet the criteria for Adjustment Disorder with Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood.
Please let me explain, because this has been burning me for months.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! Okay, so listen... Actually, let me preface this first.
People are very unique and very odd, and because of that, people don't always fit cleanly into a diagnosis. Why did I mention that? Because, sometimes, based on what a client is describing, it can fit the criteria of a certain condition but not meet the exact requirements. It's like when doctors diagnose an illness; you don't have the exact 3 symptoms for the flu, but you have 2 of them, so they diagnose and treat it like the flu until proven otherwise, hence why they say "flu-like" symptoms versus just "the flu".
Okay, so anyways, I said that, because some of you are probably like "Nah, Milo definitely has anxiety", and you wouldn't be wrong! Milo absolutely fits the criteria for Generalized Anxiety Disorder, but remember that thing I mentioned about the "flu-like" symptoms? Therapists do the same thing. We either give a broad/general diagnosis (because we've gotta bill them under something, even if it's just very mild depression, so we can keep seeing them) or we give an extremely specific one; Milo's is -- or appears to be, because again, people are unique and odd, and what I see another therapist may not -- an extremely specific one, which is Adjustment Disorder with Anxiety and Depressed Mood.
In order to meet the criteria of Adjustment Disorder, you pretty much would have had to undergo a big change within the last 3 months, like a divorce, getting out of jail, having people move in, or something of the sort. Now, the "mixed anxiety and depressed mood" are what are known to be "specifiers" and those are pretty much exactly what they sound like -- they make the diagnosis more specific or explain it a bit more.
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All that being said, it appears that Milo meets the criteria for Adjustment Disorder with Anxiety and Depressed Mood because:
- He had a major change in scenery from a small town to a bustling, city-based campus (adjustment) - Technically, we could include that he's getting used to being this psycho's someone's significant other...yeah, let's add that as an extra layer (adjustment) - He also has very low self-esteem and self-worth, so that very likely means he struggles with feelings of worthlessness (depression) - He be a touch starved boy (depression) - He has a pretty shitty set of "friends" that frequently mistreat him (depression), and this poor kid is probably trying to do everything in his power not to piss them off, but it's a constant guessing game (anxiety) - But he also opts to have them versus no one at all because it's hard enough putting yourself out there to meet new people to start with. Still though, it's like...damn, to be mistreated or to be lonely (depression and anxiety) - He's pretty jumpy when you speak to him, stutters a lot, (it looks like) he fidgets with his clothing, he's a nail biter, and frequently avoids eye contact (anxiety) - Not to mention that this poor baby has a general mistrust of new people being nice to him since he immediately thinks that they want something from him or playing a joke on him (anxiety)
Like, come on. You cannot TELL ME that that isn't -- likely -- adjustment disorder with anxiety and depressed mood. The man is 100% an anxious wreck, but like, shit, I would be, too, if I left my familiar shitty environment to a totally new shitty environment; I knew what to expect at home, not so much here, ya get me?
Now, would I change this diagnosis down the line? Absolutely, because, if he's still an anxious wreck 6 months down the line, clearly it wasn't the change in environment that had him on edge like that, or rather that's not the thing that's continued to have him on edge like that. Initial visit, though? This is 100% what I would've given him if I did his assessment.
I just had to get this off my chest. I've kept this to myself for MONTHS now, and I just couldn't anymore man! But what do you think? You think another diagnosis would've fit him better? Meh, probably.
Anyways, thanks for letting me share that. I have a lot more characters I have diagnosis for that I'd love to share one day. That honestly may be sooner rather than later since I've broken the seal lol.
Welp, I've met my yap quota for the day...at about 2 in the morning (as of writing this) lmao. Big preesh for getting this far. Remember to drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around~!
**This was written for funsies, strictly for funsies, and only for funsies. This is not meant to be taken seriously or as fact**
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ghostyclay · 6 months ago
You know that your hyperfixation is getting bad when ur drawing random people to practice, but sth feels weirdly familiar about one of them, u just can't put ur finger on it
And then u suddenly realize, you accidentally drew joe hills from nashville tennessee, holding up communist propaganda, without even realizing it
(sketch below)
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multifandomconfusion · 9 months ago
Treech: Why are we in this witchcraft shop? We don’t have any money.
Lamina, stuffing crystals in her bra: Just browsing.
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deepseaspriteblog · 9 months ago
Okay now I'm really thinking about the Victorian SBURB session
I need to find reliable Victorian photos immediately, I need to make at least one Victorian child.
I have no idea how the game portion of SBURB would work in this world but I'd like to think that the machines that you make in SBURB would have a more steampunk-esque look to them.
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mars-ipan · 6 months ago
ALWAYS talk to your dm about your dnd characters i am thriving rn
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waspgrave · 6 months ago
This weeks been so hard I’m drank on a Wednesday babey
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mailb0xbunii · 1 year ago
have i ever mentioned my voice claim for bobby is brick from the rowdyruff boys
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it fits him well in my correct opinion ☝️
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paigebstorey · 25 days ago
“Villainous��� Matchmaker Poll 💔
(For all the fanzels out there!)
If you had to ask one of Idina’s characters for dating/relationship advice, and these two were your only available options, who would you go to?
Here’s a song that Vivian sings
Here’s the closest song I can find on streaming relating to a song that this version of Circe sings
(If you want the song where it’s actually her singing it, look up “One Good Man” on YouTube. You can’t miss her!)
Please let me know if you want me to share a list to compare and contrast these two morally confusing divas?
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sarahscribbles · 2 years ago
Sunday night round table discussion
An observation I’ve had about Loki smut:
Why can we always deep throat?
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aparticularbandit · 1 year ago
So the thing about the interplay between DR0 and DR2 is this - the question of if you went back far enough, could you prevent someone from becoming who they become?
And that's kind of what we see in play out in theory in DR2. If you remove those years from the Remnants, if you remove their relationship to Junko, then they can be - can become - entirely different people.
Which would then beg the question of, well, if you can do this with the Remnants, could it have been done with Junko? And the answer, given in DR0, is absolutely yes. Junko without her memories - Ryoko - is nothing like Junko.
(Which really counters her argument that she was born that way because, clearly, she was not. If she was, then the loss of her memories wouldn't change anything. But it does.)
The question then becomes, well, how far do we have to go? Or, more succinctly, how many memories do we have to remove to make Junko not Junko?
DR0 removes everything but Matsuda. It gives her short term memory loss, and it makes her rely entirely on her memory notebooks. (And, really, I'd argue that it should have removed Matsuda, too, but didn't, which might be a flaw. Kind of like how when Kyoko had all of her memories removed, she could still figure out she was a detective. (And I guess the idea of memories returning gets addressed first in DR1 - because Kyoko slowly remembers her relationship with her father and her grandfather. Junko didn't perfect Matsuda's method; she just shortened the time frame, which made the effects last longer.)) And, of course, when she regains her memories, she immediately reverts back to being herself, as planned. (And maybe this is a form of testing, not of resolve but of...of something else.)
I would expect that Junko would need more than her two years removed, that it would need to go farther back.
But how far? Where is that moment of no return, where Junko becomes, well, Junko?
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paperlovesadness · 2 years ago
Miles being asked about TLSP in interviews: overdone. Kind of sad & frustrating. Unoriginal. Often bordering on disrespectful.
Alex being asked about TLSP in interviews: innovative. Barely done. Has great potential.
I DARE these interviewers to flip their approach. Come on cowards, go ask Alex about Miles this time.
[tags go into ~nuances~]
#listen - it all depends on the context#all these artists deserve for the interviews to first and foremost focus on the work theyvare currently releasing and promoting#and then when it gets to the 'questions for funsies' segment - go off. Ask em about other things. Like their other projects#BUT#Keep a good balance#and dont go only quoting that 1question all over your social media for the following week when the interviewed person came in for smth else#also#- this applies more generally to interviews too-#if they've recently alrewdy been asked that question in another interview.... just don't ask it again?#oh boy do I hate when these interviews are all just basically the same thing asked over and over#sure - there's basics that ate bound to repeat. but do you research and think of something original!#/#another thing#I find it slightly more acceptable to potentially 'pester' Alex with TLSP/ Miles questions#because of the power/ audience / recognizability dynamics#and if you don't understand that.... well I don't feel like explaining. Seems pretty obvious to me#would also be mad if someone obviously only focused on tlsp questions for Alex when The Car first csme out - and ignored that release#but generally there's just more space there - I believe - to discuss tlsp for a little longer#Alex never been reduced to ONLY that one project like Miles is often being#// also yes: disclaimer. I dont really hide the fact that I do love when I get to hear Miles mention Al.#but just...#balance. We need balance#it needs to be done in moderetion okay?#and there's a time and space for it too.#it was fine for 1 quick question in an interview after a long-ish hiatus. And with TAOTU turning 15. now hopefully other's let it go#PHEW#I have sooo much to say about this#but that's enough tags for now#//#my posts
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blackbonnet · 2 years ago
i maintain that some shows need to be taken seriously and some shows are just for funsies
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lunarscaled · 1 year ago
I actually had two different color versions of Lyric's party dress but they had an even number of votes from friends so I ended up combining them but here's a little comparison breakdown:
A slightly modified color of the original ( the original was lighter and a bit less saturated, more powder blue ). Light Blue could be considered Lyrics "Character Color" because it's what I use for them most often, and it has a closer visual connotation to ice, which was originally going to be the predominant theme of Lyric's outfit. The dress was originally covered in snowflakes and pearls but it made the skirt feel too cluttered alongside the armor and bodice design, so I swapped it out for rose clusters to balance the hard/soft visual features ( Armor, which is related to defense and self protection and an ability to take hits Vs. Roses, which are a delicate and romantic iconography )
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The Pros of the L. Blue gown were that it suited Lyrics "cold" personality and aesthetic, the color gives off a sense of youth, and the cool toned armor with the light blue dress feels more suitable for a fantasy theme even if the style is a bit more modern. Honestly this version probably could have been fine without the roses, and I might have added pearl randomly instead, to keep up with this delicate but expensive appearance.
The Cons were that I wanted this material to appear more sheer and gauzy and I was having trouble painting that. If I was picking solely this color, I wanted the dress to have a very layered but light appearance, and it wasn't coming across with the shading. Another friend said they felt like the large swath of light blue washed out Lyric's skin tone, which I can see being true. Light blue gowns also have a very Cinderella feel to them, which might too feminine to suit Lyric, but my biggest issue was simply the texture of the dress
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Dark Blue variation! The Pros of this version were that it was personally my preference between the two for inverse reasons as the L. Blue one: Because of the darker color, the perceived weight of the fabric feels like less of an issue---it lends more to being a satin or even a kind of velvet maybe?? Something heavy and rich. The gold trim accents also stand out better on this color, which further push this idea of a very luxurious gown. This color also lends an air of maturity and power to the design which the other color doesn't; where the L. Blue gown feels more innocent and soft, the D. Blue version feels more imposing and Ruler-like with the armor. The covering of blue roses on the skirt imply some kind of untouchable rareness to Lyric and the dress, and it's hard to imagine them being too delicate in this color, which I felt was good for their character.
The Cons were that the blue roses stand out aggressively on this dress, to the point that the design feels more about the roses than about Lyric. Whereas on the L. Blue gown the roses feel like an embellishment to the skirt, on the D. Blue gown the blue roses feel more like a theme, and the snowflake crown and crystal earrings Lyric is wearing feel disjointed from the outfit. Lyric's ice motif was the foundation for their dress, so it felt like it veered into another category of style in this color. The D. Blue color also can border on feeling too mature, where it gives the impress Lyric is older than they are. That isn't necessarily a total failure, but it feels a bit more like a dress for someone in their proud 30s vs Lyric on the border of their 20s, who has never worn a ball gown before. The color also borders on feeling a bit somber for what is a very informal occasion; it feels more like Lyric should be sitting on the throne, not being one of the guests.
I ended up combining them in a gradient to balance out the pros and cons, giving it a sort of Dawn To Evening color. I think that's the best balance of fancy to youthful and fun. The inspiration for this dress originally came from Sarah's dress in Labyrinth from As The World Falls Down---I really wanted to give Lyric dangly earrings and it moved outward from there LOL
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